

According to a recent study, more than 22 million women and 11 million men in America suffer from varicose veins. Those enlarged, twisted veins that often appear on the legs can be quite comfortable in the initial stage. But they get more severe with time or if you overlook treatments. 

There are multiple ways to treat it. But you might not think about it often; drinking enough water can do wonders for your vein health. Yes, one of the less talked-about benefits is how it can help reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. 

But how does drinking water help varicose veins? Let’s learn about that in this article.

How do varicose veins affect you?

Varicose veins appear when your veins become dilated, twisted, and overfilled with blood. They seem blue or dark purple and often look like bulged and twisted cords on the legs.

These veins are not just a cosmetic problem. In reality, they can cause discomfort and pain that leads to more severe health issues. Weak or damaged valves, increased pressure in the veins, age, genetics, pregnancy, obesity, or hormonal changes cause them.

If you doubt whether your legs are affected by varicose veins, visit the best varicose vein testing center in Palmdale.

How does dehydration affect vein health?

Dehydration can significantly affect vein health by causing your blood to become thicker and more concentrated. When your blood becomes thick, it is harder for your veins to pump blood effectively.

Increased blood thickness strains your vein walls and valves, potentially leading to issues like varicose veins.

So this is how dehydration also reduces overall blood volume, forcing your heart to work harder and increasing pressure in your veins, particularly your legs.

How does drinking water improve your vein health?

You may assume that drinking water simply quenches your thirst. But in reality, it does more than you think. It can do wonders for your blood vessels and overall circulation. This, in turn, positively affects your vein health.

When you are well hydrated, your blood becomes thin and flows more easily through your veins and arteries. This helps prevent blood clots and reduces the strain on your heart. Because poor blood circulation and if the blood isn’t thin can increase the risk of varicose veins.

Also, staying hydrated ensures that your veins stay flexible and elastic. Otherwise, sluggish blood flow can cause varicose veins. Even if you are already affected by varicose veins, consuming water can smooth out the blood flow and handle this issue.

Drinking plenty of water filters out waste and toxins from your blood, flushes out toxins and keeps your circulatory system more clean. So when there is less junk in your system, your veins can work more efficiently.

Besides helping with blood circulation, drinking more water strengthens muscles and makes them stronger. Since muscles remain the supporting structure for veins, making them stronger directly impacts their health.

Does drinking water reduce or improve varicose veins?

There is no solid evidence that proves drinking water reduces or improves varicose veins. But when your veins are healthy, it automatically enhances the blood flow and reduces the chances of varicose veins. Maintaining adequate hydration is one such thing that keeps your veins healthy.

Why not take the first step towards healthier veins today? Visit our varicose vein center in Beverly Hills to treat your varicose veins. Schedule a consultation today.

How much water should a person drink to keep their veins healthy?

There’s no straightforward answer to this.

How often a person must drink or how much water they should drink can vary based on factors such as age, weight, activity level, and the climate they live in. It’s best that you visit a vein specialist at a varicose vein treatment center near you.

Researchers state that to stay hydrated, a man must drink at least 3.7 liters of water, and a woman must drink 2.6 to 2.7 liters of water a day.

However, as a general guideline, it’s often recommended to aim for about 8 glasses of water a day. This is often referred to as the 8×8 rule or eight 8-ounce glasses.

Despite these general guidelines and studies, thirst naturally indicates that you need more water. So, if you are thirsty, drink more water.

Are you looking for the top varicose vein clinic in Beverly Hills? Schedule your consultation today with the Center for Vein Wellness.

How to stay hydrated to improve your vein health?

Did you know that simply staying sufficiently hydrated can boost your vein health? Because dehydration can affect your vein health and lead to severe complications such as deep vein thrombosis.

But the reality is that staying hydrated is not as easy as you think because we often forget to drink water. So, follow these practical tips to ensure you get enough water throughout the day:

Understand how much water you need.

It’s recommended to take 8-ounce glasses of water a day. However, this number can vary for every individual based on their size, where they live, and how physically active they are. This is why you understand your water needs.

For instance, if you hit the gym hard or live in a dry region where it sweats too much, you need to intake extra fluid that you are losing. Since taking water regularly helps with varicose veins, drink extra water if you are suffering from it.

Have a glass of water when you start and end your day.

Start your morning by sipping a glass of water, and before you go to sleep at night, have one glass. It’s a simple way to ensure you are starting and ending your day hydrated. 

Limit Diuretics

If you love good iced coffee or cold beer and consume them often, try avoiding them. Because alcohol and caffeine can make you lose more water.

Always carry a water bottle.

Take a reusable water bottle wherever you go. This way, you get reminded to drink water on a regular basis.

Add flavors to plain water.

We know how boring consuming plain water feels, which is why you often skip drinking water. How about adding some natural flavors to the water using lemon, lime, berries, or mint?

Monitor your intake.

Monitor how much water you consume in a day. How do you know if you need to consume more water? Check the color of your pee; if it’s clear or light yellow, it’s normal. But if it’s dark yellow or amber, you must intake more water.

Other tips to improve your vein health

Improving vein health involves more than just staying hydrated. Some tips to keep your veins in healthy condition:

Maintain a healthy weight

If you are obese, you naturally tend to put extra pressure on your veins. So, when you maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise, you can reduce this pressure and improve vein health.

Exercise regularly

One of the best ways to keep your veins healthy is through physical activities. In particular, exercise promotes good blood flow and can reduce the risk of varicose veins.

Elevate your legs

When you elevate your legs, it boosts blood flow and reduces pressure in the veins of your legs. So if you suffer from varicose veins, try elevating your legs while you sit or lie down.

Wear compression stockings

If you already suffer from varicose veins or spend a lot of time standing, it’s highly recommended to wear compression stockings. These stockings add gentle pressure to your legs, help with blood flow and also reduce swelling.

Avoid prolonged sitting or standing

Too much sitting or standing can affect your leg’s vein health. So, if your job demands long hours of sitting or standing, try taking breaks to move around.

Strictly avoid tight clothing

Because they can restrict blood flow and increase the risk of varicose veins. Always prefer loose, comfortable clothing.

Limit your salt intake

Reduce salt addition in your diet to prevent water retention and swelling, which can put extra pressure on your veins.

Final Words

Drinking enough fluids can play a surprisingly significant role in improving varicose veins and overall vein health. 

Hydration helps keep your blood thin and flowing smoothly, reduces the pressure on your veins, and supports the elasticity and strength of your vein walls.

By making a habit of drinking enough water every day, you are not just quenching your thirst but taking a simple yet powerful step towards better vein health and a lower risk of varicose veins.

If you are super tired of the discomfort caused by varicose veins or you feel it is unattractive, visit the Center for Vein Wellness. It’s the best vein treatment center located in Oxnard, Thousand Lake, or Palmdale.

If you are dealing with varicose veins or spider veins, your doctor must have suggested laser ablation as a treatment option. Though it sounds a bit high-tech or complex, don’t worry; it’s actually a straight-forward and effective way to get rid of those troublemaking veins.

This article covers 10 key facts about laser ablation for vein treatment that will give you a clearer picture of what to expect and help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.

What is laser ablation for vein treatment?

Laser ablation for vein treatment, also known as endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) or endovenous laser treatment (EVLT), is a medical procedure that’s used to treat varicose veins and other chronic venous insufficiencies.

This treatment treats medium- to large varicose veins in your legs. Varicose veins are those twisted veins in bulges that are bluish or skin-colored in your legs. These veins fail to efficiently return blood from the legs to the heart, leading to symptoms such as pain, swelling, itching and other discomfort.

Some people get their varicose veins removed for cosmetic reasons. After this treatment, the varicose veins shrink and blood circulates to your healthy veins. Also, you won’t see or feel the varicose veins after a successful treatment.

Want to get rid of varicose veins? Get expert laser ablation vein treatment in Ventura. Schedule your consultation today!

Some Interesting Facts About Laser Ablation for Vein Treatment

  1. It’s less intensive than traditional methods.

The way we treat varicose veins has changed a lot over the years. Initially, these veins were treated by tying them off and removing the affected veins through a surgery called high ligation and stripping. But today, newer and less invasive treatments like endovenous laser ablation and radiofrequency ablation are used. These newer methods are often preferred as they involve less pain, shorter recovery times and smaller incisions.

  1. EVLA is a non-surgical procedure.

This treatment is referred to as non-surgical or minimally invasive. During the EVLA procedure, the doctor makes a tiny incision in the leg where the varicose veins are. Then, a thin catheter is entered into the affected vein, guided by ultrasound. A laser fiber is then sent through the catheter, and a tumescent solution is injected around the vein for additional anesthesia.

Then, the laser is activated, where it delivers energy that heats and collapses the vein, permanently shutting it down. The catheter and laser fiber are then removed. The incision is bandaged.

  1. It’s based on a thorough ultrasound process.

The treatment plan starts with a thorough duplex ultrasound to map out your veins. This scan creates a visual map of your circulatory system, showing how well your veins and blood flow are functioning. It is quite similar to a baby scan, but this is performed on your legs. This way, it provides important information about which valves are faulty (refluxed) and if any clots are present. This detailed information helps doctors determine the best course of action specifically for your condition.

  1. The treatment takes less than 45 minutes.

Though the exact treatment time depends on the size of the area and the complications involved, this treatment usually consumes less time. You can get both legs affected by varicose veins treated at the same time. Post-treatment, your doctor would recommend wearing compression socks for one week to speed up the healing process. And it is common to experience some minor discomfort, such as itching and sensitivity for a couple of weeks post-treatment.

Tired of dealing with varicose veins? Visit our laser vein center in Palmdale for top-notch care and effective varicose vein treatment options.

  1. Laser ablation is an outpatient procedure.

This means that you don’t have to stay overnight in the hospital post treatment. You can come to the vein treatment center for the procedure and go home the same day. 

So, you will arrive at the clinic or outpatient surgery center, and the medical team will prepare the treatment area. The laser ablation treatment takes less than an hour and you will be monitored for a short time post the procedure to ensure there are no immediate complications.

Once the medical team is satisfied that you are stable, you will be discharged.

  1. Laser treatment heats varicose vein walls up to 1200 °C to damage them.

The laser treatment for varicose veins often involves heating the affected vein walls up to 1200 degrees Celsius. Based on your needs, your healthcare professional will select the right type of laser for you. Some lasers, such as bare-tip laser fibers, fire in one direction and the energy is focused and intense. This hurts the patients a bit more. Whereas the radial laser fibers are more likely to fire in a cicular manner, which means they seal the varicose veins more smoothly. So, it’s all about picking the right tool for the treatment!

Are you in search of the best treatment for varicose veins? Our laser vein center in Beverly Hills offers advanced solutions to restore your legs’ health and appearance.

  1. You will feel a stinging pain, but not because of the laser.

You might feel some stinging pain during the procedure, but it’s not from the laser itself. Instead, it’s from the tumescent anesthesia used in your leg.

This procedure doesn’t use general anesthesia but only local anesthesia. This step, though a bit uncomfortable, is crucial. Your doctor will use a pump or manual syringe to inject a very dilute local anesthetic around the varicose veins where the laser will be used. 

This procedure ensures that once the laser is switched on, you won’t feel any pain. The local anesthetic can sting a bit but it is usually mild. So, you don’t have to worry.

In rare cases (less than 5%), it might require delaying the procedure. Typically, you won’t feel any pain when the actual laser treatment is performed.

  1. This treatment is considered safe.

EVLA (Endovenous Laser Ablation) treatment for varicose veins is considered safe because it is minimally invasive and requires only local anesthesia. Unlike traditional surgery, which requires larger incisions and carries higher risks of complications such as infection and bleeding, EVLA involves only a small incision through which a laser fiber is inserted into the affected vein. 

This approach has a high success rate in treating varicose veins, consumes less time and allows for a quicker recovery time. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities within a short period of time after the procedure. If you prefer getting rid of varicose veins with minimal risk and inconvenience, this is a safe and effective option.

However, some complications, such as nerve damage or blood clots, are possible. But the risks are very low, usually less than 1%.

  1. This treatment boasts impressive 98% success rate.

Endovenous laser ablation treatment is highly effective and boasts a success rate of 98% in treating varicose veins. So, in the vast majority of cases, the procedure successfully resolves the underlying venous issues just after one treatment session.

The success of EVLA lies in its ability to precisely target and close off the malfunctioning vein using laser energy. With time, your body naturally starts absorbing the closed vein, redirecting blood flow to healthier veins nearby. Furthermore, the need for additional treatments after EVLA is rare. 

  1. Quick recovery time

The recovery time for endovenous thermal ablation (EVTA) is minimal. Most patients can resume doing their normal activities within a day or two after the procedure. But post the procedure, you will need someone to drive you home. It’s better you ask your healthcare professional or vein specialist about what you should do to help your body heal quickly.

You might experience some mild bruising, swelling, or discomfort, but these symptoms usually subside within a week or so. It’s often recommended to wear compression stockings for a couple of weeks to help with healing and improve circulation. 

Also, avoid doing strenuous exercise until your provider says it’s safe and avoid flying for two weeks.

Get enough sleep; this helps your body recover faster. Move and walk around often during the day. Following this, you can return to work a few days after this treatment. 

Bonus fact:

Did you know that this laser ablation isn’t for everyone?

Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) is often best for treating large and uncomplicated varicose veins that cause symptoms such as pain, itching or swelling. They include larger trunk and leg veins, including:

  • Small Saphenous Vein (SSV)
  • Great Saphenous Vein (GSV)
  • Their major tributaries that include Anterior Accessory Saphenous Veins (AASV),

Though the laser fiber is flexible, it’s tricky to maneuver around tiny, twisted surface veins. So, in such cases, sclerotherapy is recommended. Also, the laser ablation isn’t recommended for sensitive areas such as the vulva or scrotum.

Final Words

So, these are the 10 key facts, with an additional bonus fact about laser ablation for vein treatment. We hope you learned everything regarding this treatment and how it helps. 

Whether you are suggesting it for treating varicose veins or for cosmetic reasons, it’s a highly effective and minimally invasive procedure. With its quick recovery time and high success rate, it’s no wonder more and more people are opting for this treatment.

If you are seeking laser ablation treatment from expert hands in top vein treatment centers located in Westlake Village, Ventura, Oxnard, Los Angeles, Palmdale, and Beverly Hills, check out the Center for Vein Wellness for more details.


Did you just notice veins in your breasts? You got worried and came to check if it’s normal and can be removed, right?

Veins run throughout your body, whether they are visible or not. They are there. You find it odd when it suddenly appears in your breasts due to some life changes.

Well, fret not. Many women or generally people with breasts, have visible veins. But what causes breast veins to surface?

This blog is here to clarify if breast or boob veins are normal, what improves their visibility and if they can be treated.

Are veiny breasts common?

Here’s a quick answer: yes. When your breasts hang outside the torso, naturally, the blood tends to pool in the veins. This pooling effect makes the veins appear fuller and more visible to the naked eye.

Also, if you have thin or fair skin, the veins underneath are more likely to be visible. Because thin skin allows for less diffusion of light and makes the underlying structure, like veins, more visible.

What causes breast or boob veins? Why does it suddenly become noticeable?

There are numerous factors that cause veiny breasts including:

  • Hormonal changes

The female body goes through various hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause. In particular, menstruation can cause your breasts to become enlarged, resulting in more visible veins. So, these changes can cause the veins in the breasts to become more prominent.

  • During pregnancy

If you are pregnant, your body undergoes a lot of changes. Your blood volume increases approximately 20 to 40% to provide both you and the developing baby with the necessary nutrients.

So, when the amount of blood increases, your veins in your breasts become more visible. Plus, when your breasts prepare milk, there’s an increase in the activity of breast tissue making the veins more clear.

In most cases, this vein visibility decreases after your baby is born.

  • Breastfeeding

When you breastfeed, your breasts fill with milk. So this causes them to increase in volume. This extra volume can make the veins more noticeable. Similar to pregnancy, the veins return to their normal appearance once you stop breastfeeding.

  • Breast augmentation

You read it right. Breast augmentation also causes vein visibility. Because breast implants increase your breast’s size and volume, This can stretch the skin and make veins more prominent. Slim women undergoing this surgery usually have low body fat to hide the veins. Here, the implants push the veins forward, making them too visible.

  • Bruising and trauma

When your breasts get injured for some reason, it causes bruising that resembles swollen or visible veins. Breastfeeding women can relate to this. Some women notice their nipples being swollen and having veiny spots as a result of baby sucking that has damaged and bruised blood vessels.

However, not to worry. These bruises and injuries naturally stop when the mother and baby get used to breastfeeding.

  • Age

As you age, your skin loses elasticity and thins. So, your veins become more visible, even if they are in good condition. Additionally, when heavier breasts start to sag due to gravity, the skin stretches and increases the vein visibility in the breasts.

  • Varicose or spider veins

Varicose veins are large, swollen and twisted veins that predominantly occur in the legs and other parts of the body, including the breasts. Meanwhile, spider veins are smaller, red, purple or blue veins that appear close to the skin’s surface.

  • Mondor’s disease

Also known as Mondor’s syndrome, this is a rare condition that’s characterized by superficial thrombophlebitis of the veins in the breast and chest wall. This inflammation in the surface-level veins can cause chest pain and people even notice changes in their veins, including swelling and increased vein visibility.

The exact cause of Mondor’s disease is not always clear, but several factors are suspected to contribute to this, including trauma or injury, infection, physical activity and breast cancer. But again, Mondor’s disease goes away on its own.

  • Weight loss and weight gain

Both can contribute to vein visibility. When you gain weight, your skin gets stretched, which makes your veins easier to spot. However, as your weight increases, the amount of fatty tissue underneath the skin increases and this can make veins less obvious.

Meanwhile, when you lose weight, the fat layer decreases and the veins that used to hide them become more visible.

  • Sun damage

Did you know that even sun exposure can cause the skin to become thinner, which in turn makes the veins under your skin prominently visible?

Wearing sunscreen before you go on a sunny day is a good way to prevent this type of damage.

Even after knowing that these visible veins are quite normal and, in some cases, may vanish on their own, people who dislike or are self-conscious about their breasts want to get rid of them. If you are that someone, you can reduce the appearance of these veins.

Can I get my veiny breasts treated?

Yes, you can. If these veins occurred due to pregnancy or breastfeeding, just chill because they will disappear when you deliver a baby or stop breastfeeding. If you have Mondor’s disease, the inflamed veins that are visible become less visible. However, it will take several months.

So, veiny breasts can occur for different reasons. But if it’s visible suddenly, it’s best you contact your doctor and get it checked. And if they are normal veins, get them treated and removed.

Are you noticing visible veins in your breasts and looking for a solution? The Vein Treatment Center in Oxnard is here to help!

Treatment options for visible viens in breasts are:

Breast veins and chest veins are mild veins without any underlying veins feeding high-pressure blood into them. So, to treat these viens, a duplex ultrasound scan or other tests aren’t recommended.

Speciats from the vein treatment center suggest the following treatment options for visible veins in breasts.

Laser treatments

In laser therapy, light is used to target and shrink the visible veins. Here, the laser’s heat causes the veins to collapse and disappear over time. If you prefer a minimally invasive treatment with a quick recovery time, this is the best choice.


In this procedure, a solution is injected directly into the affected veins. This causes a scar and makes the veins disappear. It may require several injections to effectively treat those unwanted breast veins. However, this depends on the number and size of your veins to determine the number of treatments that may be required for the perfect outcome.

This treatment is effective for both small and larger veins (especially spider veins) and requires little to no downtime.

Radiofrequency ablation

This technique uses radiofrequency energy to heat and damage the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal shut. The treated veins are then reabsorbed by the body. Radiofrequency ablation is minimally invasive and usually results in minimal discomfort and a swift recovery.

Prevention is always better than cure

  • While you can’t always prevent vein visibility in your boobs, especially due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, following certain tips can help avoid the occurrence.
  • Apply sunscreen or keep your chest covered to avoid skin damage caused by harmful UV rays.
  • Protect the breasts when playing contact sports.
  • When breastfeeding, ensure your baby has a good latch. If you need help or if breastfeeding is painful, get help from a lactation consultant.

Final Notes

To sum it up, visible veins in the breasts are quite common. Many women experience this at different stages of their lives. Some common factors, such as hormonal changes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and skin characteristics, often contribute to the appearance of these veins.

Though they are usually benign, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider if you notice any other symptoms or have any worries.

Women naturally feel more self-conscious about their bodies. While feeling comfortable with your body is crucial, it’s equally important to know about your body and why it looks the way it does.

Are you worried about visible veins in your breasts? Visit the Center for Vein Wellness, the top vein treatment center in Thousand Oaks. We specialize in providing effective and minimally invasive treatments to help reduce the appearance of these veins.


Who are the best candidates for breast vein treatment?

Treating breast veins in an individual’s breast that’s still in development is not recommended. This means individuals who are under the age of 18 must avoid this treatment.

The best candidate for this treatment is someone

  • Who is not pregnant?
  • Above the age of 18
  • Not breastfeeding
  • Not in a drastic hormonal change

If you fit into this list and want to remove those pesky, visible breast veins, go ahead.

What tests are required for visible veins in the breasts?

In most cases, visible breast veins aren’t associated with serious symptoms or underlying conditions that would necessitate detailed vascular imaging.
So, duplex ultrasound is not done to assess these visible veins in the breast or spider veins on the chest.

But if a breast includes the following:

  • Lumps in the breast
  • Nipple discharge
  • Breasts that get hard and red suddenly
  • An unexpected change in the breast veins

Must be given extra attention by the doctor to diagnose the actual issue.

Will the veins in my breasts go away on their own?

Yes, in most cases, it does vanish on its own. So, these visible breast veins may become less noticeable on their own once the underlying cause, such as pregnancy or breastfeeding, has resolved. For instance, after you stop breastfeeding or once hormonal levels stabilize, the veins may fade.

Are you someone who is dealing with a persistent ache or sharp pain in your body that never seems to go away? This can be due to an injury, inflammation, illness or even nerve damage. Chronic pain is often ongoing and lasts for three months or longer. It can be a big burden that restricts movement and makes simple tasks like walking or standing hard. This isn’t just physical; often, this pain can take a toll on your mental health too. The worst part? Pain doesn’t take a break when it’s time to go to sleep. Many struggle to get restful sleep. So, you get tired and the pain worsens during the day.

Don’t lose hope if you are in a similar situation. Radiofrequency ablation therapy is a treatment for your chronic pain that can easily provide long-lasting relief. 

This article gives you all the information you need about radiofrequency ablation for pain management so that you can decide if this treatment is right for you.

What is radiofrequency ablation?

Also called a radiofrequency neurotomy, this is a medical procedure that helps with chronic pain by targeting specific nerves that transmit pain signals to the brain. 

A vein specialist from a vein treatment center uses radio waves to create a current that heats up a small region of the nerve tissue. This heat destroys that area of the nerve and stops it from sending pain signals to your brain. 

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) can provide lasting relief to people with chronic pain, especially in the lower back, neck and arthritic joints. It can stop or reduce your chronic pain, improve your bodily function, reduce the number of pain medications you usually intake, or help you avoid or delay surgery.

This procedure is often considered minimally invasive and suggested as a treatment option when other methods, such as medications and physical therapy, haven’t provided sufficient relief.

How does radio frequency help with pain management within your spine?

Radiofrequency ablation is used to manage pain in your joints. But how does it exactly work?

Here’s a quick anatomy of your spine. There are several nerves that branch off from your spinal cord in your spine and travel to your facet joints and sacroiliac joints.

Facet joints are pairs of small joints between the vertebrae in your spine that are responsible for giving your joints flexibility, such as twisting and bending.

Here, sacroiliac joints are found near your spine’s bottom, right above your tailbone. Lateral branch nerves connected to these joints are responsible for sending pain signals from the spine to your brain.

As per the radiofrequency ablation procedure, the medial branch nerve in the facet joints or the lateral branch nerve in the sacroiliac joints are treated. By doing so, they aim to reduce the transmission of pain signals to your brain, providing relief from chronic pain.

What are the preparations before the radiofrequency ablation (RFA) procedure?

If you are dealing with chronic pain and visit the vein treatment center, the healthcare professional will first review your medical history. And then they will ask about the pain.

If you are already taking prescribed aspirin or other blood-thinning medications, you may need to stop taking them for a few days before this procedure.

Next, to see and understand your anatomy and determine the level of arthritis or other spine injury, it will be recommended that you take X-rays or other imaging tests. 

To pinpoint the exact source and level of your pain, your doctor might do a test called a diagnostic block. During this test, they will inject a numbing medicine near the area that hurts. If you get significant relief from this injection, it’s a good sign that the RFA procedure will work for you. Otherwise, the RFA might not be the best option for you. 

What happens during a radiofrequency ablation procedure?

During the radiofrequency ablation therapy, you will be asked to lie on your stomach on a special X-ray table. Then, your healthcare provider will use monitors to analyze your condition during the procedure. 

Next, medication will be given during the procedure to relax you, but it’s optional. 

A local anesthetic is given to numb the area of your skin where a needle will be inserted.

Next, a thin needle is inserted into the area where you feel pain using a special kind of real-time continuous X-ray called fluoroscopy. 

Once the needle has reached the intended site, your doctor will do a test to confirm it’s in the right position. A microelectrode is sent via the hollow needle. You will feel a tingling sensation, which means the right location has been found for treatment.

Next, a radiofrequency current is sent through the needle to heat the affected nerve. This current destroys the nerve and stops it from sending pain signals to your brain.

During this procedure, more than one nerve can be treated. 

Who are the best candidates for radiofrequency ablation?

Radiofrequency ablation can help people dealing with chronic pain management, especially issues such as degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis and facet joint pain. 

If you suffer from any of these conditions or have at least symptoms relating to them, you may be a good candidate for radiofrequency ablation.

Also, if you are suffering from 

  • Joint pain in your hips, necks, and shoulders, 
  • Cancer pain
  • Facial pain caused by trigeminal neuralgia
  • Heart rhythm problems
  • To kill tumor cells, you can undergo this treatment.

However, to qualify for radiofrequency ablation, you must have had chronic pain for more than six months and haven’t had any success with other medication and treatment methods. Radiofrequency ablation is the best.

If you are looking to get expert radiofrequency ablation treatment, visit this best vein treatment centre in Thousand Oaks.

Note: If you are pregnant, have an infection or have a bleeding problem, you aren’t eligible for radiofrequency ablation treatment.

What happens post radiofrequency ablation procedure?

The radiofrequency ablation procedure takes from 15 minutes to 2 hours to complete. This depends on the treatment location and the number of treatments performed. You may feel some pain or tenderness in the injection site post-procedure, as the area is already numb before the process starts. Usually, the pain subsides in a few days.

After your radiofrequency ablation procedure, you can go home. But someone must drive you home. It’s highly recommended to rest when you reach home. Avoid doing any strenuous work for 24 hours after the procedure.

Resume doing your normal activities after a day or two. 

You might feel soreness, pain or muscle spasms at the treatment site for a few days. Take the prescribed pain medication for the soreness and pain. If needed, apply an ice pack to the injection site, off and on for 20 minutes a few times during the first day of your recovery at home.

How long will pain relief last with radiofrequency ablation?

The main intention of this procedure is to relieve your chronic pain. Vein specialists from top vein treatment center say that patients will experience pain relief immediately for about four to six weeks, after the procedure.

But our invention will last for nine to twelve months. There are several cases where patients have had multiple years of pain relief after the radiofrequency ablation.

However, pain can return if the nerves regenerate. In that case, the procedure can be repeated on the same nerve if you have used it in the past for successful pain relief.

Is radiofrequency ablation effective?

Yes, radiofrequency ablation is effective for 99% of people. People experience pain relief after radiofrequency ablation but the amount differs based on the cause of pain and location.

For some, pain relief can be immediate. For others, it may take up to three weeks to settle. And pain relief can last from six months to twelve months. For some people, it lasts for years. Others may have only limited pain relief. The treated nerve can regrow but it usually takes at least six to twelve months after the procedure.

Is radiofrequency ablation a surgery?

No, it’s not considered surgery because it’s a minimally invasive procedure. This means you feel less pain, less risk of infection and other complications, a reduction in the length of your hospital stay and a quick recovery time. Usually, it’s performed using methods that first access your body’s condition with the least amount of damage or disruption to your skin and tissues.

Final Words

If your chronic pain persists despite trying other conservative treatments like medications, injections or physical therapy, it’s best you try radiofrequency ablation. However, it’s not you who can decide to undergo this procedure.

Consult with a vein specialist or pain management specialist who can assess your condition and medical history and do the appropriate tests to ensure if this procedure would work for you or not.

The Center for Vein Wellness is among the top vein treatment centres in Oxnard. If you want a professional treatment, feel free to visit for a consultation and let the experts decide if radiofrequency ablation can help handle your chronic pain. 

Over the years, there have been multiple options that have been invented for the treatment of vascular issues like spider veins, etc. VeinGogh System Treatment and Laser Treatment are quite famous and well-known techniques for the treatment of veins. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages, with quite different mechanisms of action opted for in different situations depending on the patient.

Scroll through this blog to understand in detail what VeinGogh system treatment is, what is laser treatment, what are their respective advantages and disadvantages, and even how VeinGogh treatment is better than laser treatment in some aspects.

What is VeinGogh System Treatment for Veins?

A minimally invasive process called the VeinGogh System is used to treat spider veins, telangiectasia, and other tiny veins that are near the skin’s surface. It uses a process known as ohmic thermolysis to heat and coagulate blood vessels alone, eventually leading them to burst and disappear.

The VeinGogh System operates as follows:

  • A thin, insulated probe that resembles a needle is put into the vein of interest.
  • A precise quantity of high-frequency electrical energy is sent to the vein immediately via the probe.
  • The energy causes the vein to get heated, clot, and collapse.
  • The body reabsorbs the collapsed vein over time, improving the treated area’s look as the vein disappears.

Patients usually handle VeinGogh therapy well, with little pain and recovery time. Depending on the severity of the vein problems, it may take several sessions to achieve the best results. It is often done in the office of a dermatologist or vein expert.

What is Laser Treatment for Veins?

Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA), sometimes referred to as laser vein therapy, laser ablation treatment, or laser treatment for veins, is another minimally invasive method used to treat varicose veins, spider veins, and other vascular problems. In order to divert blood flow to surrounding, healthier veins, troublesome veins are heated and sealed off using laser radiation.

This is the general procedure for laser vein treatment:

  • Under ultrasound guidance, a small fiber-optic probe is introduced into the afflicted vein.
  • The vein wall receives regulated laser energy pulses from the laser fiber.
  • The vein contracts, collapses, and finally is absorbed by the body as a result of the heat produced by the laser.
  • Redirecting blood flow to healthier veins enhances circulation and lessens the visibility of veins on the skin’s surface.

Vein laser therapy is often done as an outpatient operation, and sedation or local anesthesia may be necessary. Although some patients may feel bruising, swelling, or pain in the treated area for a few days to a few weeks, recovery time is often rather short.

Advantages and Disadvantages of VeinGogh System Treatment

When determining if the VeinGogh System Treatment is the best choice for treating telangiectasia, spider veins, and other minor vascular problems, it’s best to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the procedure. 



Minimally invasive: It’s a minimally invasive procedure where energy is directly delivered to the targeted vein using a thin, insulated, needle-like probe. Besides helping to lower the possibility of scarring or other problems, this also lessens damage to the surrounding tissues.

Precision targeting: This procedure is often targeted for smaller veins, too, with the least amount of tissue damage possible. This is not only good for the body but also helps with better and more precise targeting of specific blood vessels.

Minimal pain: The treatment feels like minimal pain, like slight pinching, heating sensation, etc. Anesthesia isn’t given but sometimes one might use the local anesthesia to reduce the discomfort to almost negligible.


Fast recovery: VeinGogh treatments often need little recovery time, with most patients being able to return to their regular activities either right away or very soon after the surgery. There may be some redness or swelling at the treatment site, but these usually go away in a few days.


Versatility: This is a quite flexible treatment because it’s used for many issues that range from vascular diseases, such as spider veins, telangiectasia, and tiny varicose veins.


Treats only small veins: This might not be the right treatment for bigger or deeper veins, despite being successful in treating tiny veins at the skin’s surface. Patients who are suffering from serious vein problems must try alternate therapies like sclerotherapy or laser therapy.

Several sessions may be required. People with bigger vein issues aren’t advised to go for this treatment. This is because it requires a larger number of sessions and is expensive.

Possibility of side effects: Some common or possible side effects of this treatment are transient redness, swelling, bruising, or skin discoloration at the treatment site. Rarely, patients could sustain mild burns or scars.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Treatment

There are a number of benefits and drawbacks to laser ablation treatment, sometimes referred to as endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) or laser vein treatment. Below is a summary of the main ideas:


Effective for a wide variety of vein sizes: From tiny spider veins to bigger varicose veins, laser therapy is able to target and cure a wide variety of vein sizes. Because of its adaptability, it may be used to treat various venous problems.

Minimally invasive: Laser therapy is usually administered as an outpatient procedure and is considered minimally invasive. A tiny fiber-optic probe is inserted into the afflicted vein to minimize damage to the surrounding tissues and lower the possibility of scarring or other problems.

High success rate: Laser ablation is very effective at blocking troublesome veins and enhancing blood flow. After treatment, many patients report a noticeable change in the way their veins look and the associated symptoms.

Fast recovery: Laser treatment isn’t very discomforting and has the great advantage of recovering fast, which makes it a great option for people who have a set of regular activities that cannot afford to wait. 

Prolonged outcomes: The outcomes of laser treatment are quite long-term, as they permanently close the treated veins.


Possibility of adverse effects: Even though not a lot, there are possibilities of bruising, swelling, redness, etc., which might be caused by the treatment.

It may take multiple sessions to get the best results: People who have bigger issues with veins aren’t advised to go for this treatment as it then requires a larger number of sessions, which increases the number of sessions and ultimately the cost.

Recurrence risk: In laser treatment, sometimes there is a chance of recurrence of those underlying issues that end up opening again, causing the treatment to be done again. 

Are you looking for a laser ablation vein treatment in Los Angeles? Visit the Center For Vein Wellness and get treated by experts.

How Is the VeinGogh System Better than the Laser Treatment?

The VeinGogh System’s superiority over laser treatment for veins depends on a number of unique aspects, including the patient’s preferences, medical professional experience, and the patient’s particular situation. Still, there are a few areas where the VeinGogh System could be superior to laser treatment:

Accurate targeting: By employing a thin, insulated needle-like probe, the VeinGogh System enables accurate targeting of specific blood vessels. With less harm to the surrounding tissues, this accuracy can be useful for treating tiny veins at the skin’s surface.

Minimized pain: Since VeinGogh treatments usually only provide a small pinching or heating sensation, many patients report very little pain throughout the process. For those who are sensitive to pain or discomfort, this could be better.

Fast recovery: VeinGogh treatments often need little recovery time, with most patients being able to return to their regular activities either right away or very soon after the surgery. Patients with hectic schedules or those who value little rest may find this speedy recuperation intriguing.

Versatility: Spider veins, telangiectasia, and tiny varicose veins are only a few of the vascular conditions that the VeinGogh System can treat. Because of its adaptability, people with various venous issues might benefit from it.

Minimal risk of side effects: Although there is a chance of side effects with both VeinGogh and laser therapy, the VeinGogh System may be less likely to cause skin burns or pigmentation changes because of its precise targeting and regulated energy delivery.

Less dependency on skin type: The type and color of the skin might occasionally affect how successful laser therapy is. Conversely, the VeinGogh System may be more appropriate for a broader spectrum of patients because of its lack of reliance on skin type.

No anesthesia required: In certain situations, local anesthesia is not required for VeinGogh therapy, which further reduces patient discomfort and shortens the duration of the procedure.

Costing: Compared to laser treatment, even when it comes to cost, the VeinGogh treatment is a better option as it is comparatively cheaper than the laser treatment.

Suitability: VeinGogh treatment is avoided for patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are planning to become pregnant soon; apart from that, there aren’t a lot of issues. Whereas in laser treatment, patients who are pregnant, have had a blood clot, have active infections or inflammations, have cold sores, etc. are advised not to take the laser treatment. So, comparatively, the VeinGogh treatment is more adaptable.

It’s crucial to remember that although the VeinGogh System could have these benefits, laser therapy also has advantages of its own and might be a better choice for some people with vein diseases. 


To conclude, it is evident that both treatments come with their own advantages and disadvantages. It is to be noted that there needs to be a consultation with a healthcare professional to understand which one suits you more and is required by your body.

It is good to have an understanding of the treatments that you are opting for, and we hope that the article served its purpose. You can visit a good vein treatment center like the Center For Vein Wellness where both of these treatments are given, to better understand and get neutral advice. 

Experiencing constant pain, discomfort, and difficulty in doing day-to-day work can often be traumatic for individuals. When such chronic pain is felt typically on the legs it needs your undivided attention. Varicose veins are twisted and swollen veins that develop on the legs. They cause extreme discomfort and also bring down one’s self-esteem and confidence.


What Causes Varicose Veins?

  1. Age – With increasing age your chances of having varicose veins rise. It may be the result of wear and tear on the veins’ valve and walls over the years
  2. Weak Valves – Veins that are one way allow blood to flow to the heart. If the valves break or fail, the blood flows backward and pools in the veins causing them to expand.
  3. Gender – Women are prone to getting affected by varicose veins more than men as they go through a lot of hormonal changes between pregnancy and menopause.
  4. Genes – If you have seen people in your family having a history of varicose veins you are more likely to develop it then.
  5. Prolonged Standing or Sitting – If you are in a job that involves long hours of sitting or standing it can increase the risk of varicose veins as it hinders blood circulation.


Symptoms Of Varicose Veins:

Varicose Veins are fairly noticeable because they are swollen, elevated, and often twisted. 


  1. Pain and Discomfort: Varicose Veins can cause severe agony in the patient as it is painful and uncomfortable to have it. The pain ranges from throbbing feeling to extreme pain and discomfort.
  2.   Aching and Heaviness:  People suffering from varicose veins go through pain or   heaviness in their legs because of long hours of sitting or standing.
  3.   Itching and Skin Changes: Discolouration may develop on the skin near the affected veins. This can eventually cause the skin to itch and sores to occur at times

If varicose veins treatment is not done on time it may lead to severe pain and discomfort, but several lifestyle choices can help you control the recurring symptoms. 

Exercising is also possible with varicose veins but it is necessary to consult a doctor to help you increase the blood flow.

But to reduce its effects for the time being and to alleviate varicose veins here are 8 practical ways to relieve the symptoms:


Here are 8 Ways You Can Manage Varicose Veins:

  1. Avoid prolonged sitting or standing
  2. Proper shoes
  3. Elevate feet
  4. Compression stockings
  5. Quit smoking
  6. Losing weight and clean eating habits
  7. Varicose veins treatment
  8. Exercise
  1. Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing

It is important to move, rest, and work out if you have a lifestyle or job that demands long-standing or sitting hours. Salespeople, nurses, guards, or teachers often find extreme stress on their legs because of prolonged periods of standing. Office workers and drivers also find their legs stressed out due to the compromising blood flow due to long hours of sitting.


  1. Proper Shoes

Other than the workplace demands that make you susceptible to varicose veins, certain lifestyle choices often increase your chances of developing this painful vein complication. Studies have shown that wearing high-heels, or uncomfortable shoes increases your chances of developing varicose veins. High heels can damage the veins and worsen the pain. A shoe with good arc support or stylish footwear with no heels is a better option.


  1. Elevate Feet

It is advised to keep your feet elevated as a part of varicose vein management. Elevation helps the blood flow properly back and improves circulation. Elevating your feet relieves swelling and also helps avoid painful ulcers associated with varicose veins.


  1. Compression Stockings

The valves in your vein help your blood to keep flowing in one direction. It is when these valves are affected that blood starts to pool and causes swelling that leads to varicose veins. With the help of compression stockings the damaged valves get support as the compression stockings put mild pressure on your legs, This also prevents blood clots and extreme pain.


  1. Quit Smoking

The effects of smoking can be seen in almost all the organs of the body, not just feet. Here, the way it can affect varicose veins is that it will damage the blood vessels and restrict circulation.


  1. Losing Weight and Healthy Eating

Extra weight indeed puts intense pressure on the veins which are already functioning poorly.

Losing weight unburdens the pressure from the legs and can prevent any existing varicose veins from getting more damaged. Eating clean is yet another essential factor in maintaining a healthy weight. Make sure that you watch your salt intake as it can lead to water retention, heaviness, and pressure.


  1. Exercise

Exercising can be quite a challenge with varicose veins. but some exercises can improve blood circulation through your legs. Walking, biking, and swimming are a few of the physical activities that can be very helpful in getting the blood flowing properly

It’s essential to warm up before exercising with varicose veins. Always consult a doctor before indulging in any exercise routine because, after certain varicose vein treatments, it’s generally advised to avoid exercising for some time.



  1. Varicose Veins Treatment

Varicose vein treatments are available for those who want to rid themselves of the painful vein issue. Such treatments are performed under the care of vascular specialists. Making healthy lifestyle changes is necessary post-treatment as varicose veins tend to relapse after the treatment as well. Healthy lifestyle choices as well as proper medical support and interventions can lead to recovery.


What are the signs of medical necessity for varicose veins?

Other than just the cosmetic issues and their appearance, varicose veins can go above and beyond that. Here are some key points that show that medical intervention might be necessary:

  • Constant Pain and Discomfort – it is extremely difficult to live in constant pain and agony and this is a clear sign that the issue is no longer cosmetic and medical intervention is necessary. Pain will disturb daily activity and disrupt the sleep cycle, hence it should not be left unattended.


  • Swelling and Redness – There might be underlying issues if you notice redness and swelling at the end of the day. You may also notice warmth around the affected veins which might affect your mobility and cause extreme discomfort.
  • Change in Skin Texture and Color – Venous insufficiency is when you find a significant change in skin color, thickness, and swelling near the varicose veins. This may lead to the development of skin ulcers if left untreated.


  • Skin Ulcers and Bleeding: Open sores can develop near varicose veins which can be a serious problem. It may also lead to spontaneous bleeding which may need immediate medical attention.
  • Blood Clot: Varicose veins increase the risk of blood clots and form a condition called superficial thrombophlebitis. This causes localized pain and requires immediate medical help.


  • Disturbs the Quality of Life: It is when your problem leads to physical limitation and causes emotional distress, you have to consult a medical professional immediately. Problems like mobility, loss of self-confidence, and difficulty in doing day-to-day work are valid reasons to see a doctor.


  • Pre-existing Health Issues: (DVT) means Deep Vein Thrombosis may be at the highest risk of complication if left untreated with individuals who have pre-existing health conditions.


Surgeries and other options

Sclerotherapy is an option to get varicose veins treated. This is where the specialist 

injects the veins to reroute blood flow and make it healthier.

There is another alternative method called endovenous thermal ablation that depends on high-frequency waves or laser heat intervention that reroutes blood to healthier veins and shuts down damaged veins. 

Making healthy choices like clean eating, keeping weight in check, doing proper physical activities, avoiding smoking and drinking, and keeping your feet at an elevated level gives you a much higher chance of avoiding surgery. Risks such as venous ulcers and blood clots can also be avoided.

Even though these key strategies might help you with varicose veins it is crucial to see a doctor and do a thorough check up. Always remember that consistency in taking good care of yourself is the key to the long-term healing of varicose veins.

If you have questions about varicose vein management, or browse for experts and specialist

 Contact  (310) 402-2849   


When deciding upon having medical therapy done, it is always important to know well about it, and that is because you should feel confident about it. Getting it done the right way if it suits you and if you like it and getting it from what place, all of that matters a lot.

In this comprehensive guide, the blog sheds light on the intricacies of sclerotherapy, offering valuable insights for individuals looking to prioritize their vein health by covering the most basic aspects, from its definition to the preparations, the procedure, and a lot more.

The importance of vein health

Veins are not a big organ for sure, but they play a very important role in the overall well-being of a person. Veins are eventually responsible for the circulatory systems of the body, that is, blood from the heart to organs and vice versa. If any issue pops up in the veins, eventually the entire body faces it and suffers through it.

What if you don’t give attention to vein issues?

Assuming even if you do not pay enough attention to your vein issues, there is a high chance of you facing discomfort throughout the body, which can lead to swelling and more severe conditions. Giving attention to your vein issues is quite important and is the first step to avoiding any long-term issues. Sclerotherapy helps with the circulatory aspects of vein wellness and maintains its health.

Scroll through to learn all about sclerotherapy and how you can get good varicose vein treatment and testing in Beverly Hills, Oxnard, Thousand Oaks, Los Angeles, and more!

Understanding Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is a specialized medical procedure designed to address vascular issues, particularly varicose and spider veins. This treatment aims to improve both the cosmetic appearance and overall functionality of the affected veins.

By injecting a sclerosing solution directly into the problematic veins, medical practitioners aim to induce controlled damage, prompting the veins to close and redirect blood flow through healthier vessels.

How it works:

So, in sclerotherapy, there is an injection of a sclerosing agent, which is injected directly into the veins in target and question. The sclerosing agent is mostly in the form of liquid or foam. Now, this agent, when it starts working, causes the blood to reroute to better and healthier veins. Further, it causes irritation in the vein walls and ultimately makes them collapse.

Since sclerotherapy is not a surgical method, the discomfort in question is quite minimal while being quite effective in its treatment.

Conditions Treated with Sclerotherapy

Varicose Veins:

Varicose veins, which are enlarged, twisted veins that often appear on the legs, are a common target for sclerotherapy. The procedure helps alleviate the cosmetic concerns associated with these bulging veins and addresses any associated symptoms, such as pain or discomfort.

Looking for varicose vein treatment? Get advanced care at the top varicose vein clinic in Beverly Hills.

Spider Veins:

Sclerotherapy is effective in treating spider veins, which are smaller veins that form a web-like shape and end up appearing on the surface of the skin. Even though these veins are harmless, they can turn into a concern later on, mostly for cosmetic reasons. By adapting to sclerotherapy, the visibility of the veins is ultimately reduced.

Vein specialists from the top spider vein treatment center say that they treat spider veins using sclerotherapy because it’s often less invasive and causes minimal discomfort.

Other Vein Disorders:

Even though sclerotherapy is mostly used for varicose and spider veins, this is not what it is limited to. The great part about sclerotherapy is that it is quite versatile and a good option even when dealing with a larger range of vascular issues beyond these veins.

The next section delves into the intricacies of sclerotherapy, offering a comprehensive understanding of its mechanisms and the diverse conditions it effectively treats.

The Sclerotherapy Procedure

Step-by-Step Process

Patient positioning

Patient positioning means that the patients are positioned in a way that helps doctors get access to the targeted veins and makes the procedure clearer by removing the obstruction to the veins that are to be cured.

Injection technique

The injection technique involves injecting a sclerosing solution using a fine needle directly into the affected veins. The solution irritates the vein lining, leading to the desired closure of the vein. This step needs extra precision and expertise so that the affected veins get treated correctly while also minimizing the risk of complications.

Duration of the procedure

The project duration depends mostly on the number and size of veins that are to be treated but in general, it is completed within 30 to 60 minutes, which makes it a good option for people even with tight schedules.

Pain Management During Sclerotherapy

Anesthesia Options

Pain management is a critical consideration during sclerotherapy. While the procedure is generally well-tolerated, healthcare professionals may offer different anesthesia options based on the patient’s preferences and the extent of the treatment. Local anesthesia is commonly used to numb the injection site, ensuring minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Common Discomforts and How They Are Managed

During the treatment, there is mild discomfort that the patients can face, like a burning sensation or slight cramping, but these are mostly temporary and become better soon after the procedure. Simple pain management techniques are usually advised to get over such discomforts, like pain relievers or cold compressors to be applied, and that is good to go.

Preparation for Sclerotherapy


Initial Assessment

The sclerotherapy journey starts with the initial consultation, which evaluates the patient’s medical history to better understand the patient. The consultation involves discussions and physical examinations to help the professional customize the therapy and make it more effective.

At the Center for Vein Wellness, we make sure to address individual needs effectively.

Patient Education

We believe in informing the patients about their decisions, and hence we educate the patients about therapies, surgeries, and everything. Hence this blog, but apart from this, we make sure to provide the patient with good details for better trust and clarity.

Pre-procedure Guidelines

Medication and lifestyle adjustments

Before undergoing sclerotherapy, patients could be given instructions on how to modify their medications. There may be times when some drugs, including blood thinners, need to be temporarily stopped. To maximize the procedure’s efficacy, lifestyle changes, including avoiding extended standing or sitting, may also be advised.

Clothing and Comfort Considerations

It is recommended that you dress comfortably and loosely on the day of the surgery. This makes it easier to get to the locations where injections will happen. During this preparatory phase, patients are urged to express any preferences or worries about the surgical process.

Aftercare and Recovery

Post-procedure instructions

Activity restrictions

Following sclerotherapy, patients are provided with post-procedure instructions, including activity restrictions. While normal daily activities can typically be resumed, strenuous exercises and activities that may exert excessive pressure on the treated veins are usually advised against for a specified period.

Compression stocking usage

The use of compression stockings post-sclerotherapy is a common recommendation. These stockings aid in maintaining pressure on the treated veins, promoting optimal closure. Patients are guided on the duration and proper usage of compression stockings to support the healing process.

Potential side effects and complications

Common reactions

Understanding potential side effects is essential for post-sclerotherapy care. Common reactions may include temporary redness, bruising, or swelling at the injection sites. These reactions are mild and usually they resolve on their own. So patients need not be concerned about it.

When to seek medical attention

Patients are informed about potential complications and advised on when to seek medical attention. Unusual symptoms such as persistent pain, excessive swelling, or signs of infection should prompt immediate contact with the vein treatment center for prompt evaluation and guidance.

Results and Follow-up

Expected outcome of sclerotherapy

Improvement in vein appearance

Patients can anticipate a visible improvement in the appearance of treated veins over time. The gradual fading of varicose and spider veins contributes to enhanced skin aesthetics.

Relief from symptoms

Apart from cosmetic benefits, the therapy can help provide relief to the problematic veins, which can further cure the discomfort, itchiness, and aching that were occurring.

Follow-up appointments and monitoring

Post-procedure check-ups

Scheduled follow-up appointments post the procedure are important as they help healthcare professionals track the progress of the sclerotherapy results. These check-ups provide an opportunity to address any concerns, assess healing, and make further recommendations if necessary.

Additional treatments, if necessary

There are a few cases in which additional treatment might be needed by the patients for better results. The Center for Vein Wellness guides patients through any further treatments that are or might be needed to achieve the desired outcome.

This comprehensive guide not only explores the preparation, procedure, and recovery phases of sclerotherapy. But it also emphasizes the ongoing support provided by the Center for Vein Wellness to ensure positive outcomes for patients seeking vein health improvement.

Choosing the Center for Vein Wellness

The Center for Vein Wellness is one of the top sclerotherapy vein treatment centers, thanks to its professional medical and healthcare team, which follows a high standard of commitment towards care and expertise in vein treatments.

We have received good feedback and testimonials from our previous patients and we are proud to provide good health services.

Even though vein treatments can seem complex at times, it is to be noted that getting one at the right time is quite important, so do notice the symptoms, get them treated soon, and seek professional advice.

We hope that the article has been helpful to you and you can visit the Center for Vein Wellness for sclerotherapy vein treatment in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills for medical advice and more readings. Stay healthy!


Many people suffer from varicose veins, a common vascular ailment that lowers their quality of life. These twisted, swollen veins, which are frequently seen on the legs, are caused by weak or broken valves, which impair blood flow. In addition to being important from a cosmetic standpoint, treating varicose veins is essential for reducing associated symptoms, including discomfort and edema.

Clarivein has been a well-known and successful varicose vein therapy alternative in recent years. This minimally invasive surgery offers benefits including faster recovery and better cosmetic results by closing damaged veins using a combination of mechanical and chemical methods. When we examine the specifics, it becomes clear why Clarivein is becoming more and more well-known as a top option in the changing field of varicose vein therapy.

Scroll through the article to get access to a comprehensive guide for Clarivein Treatment by Vein Treatment Center.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are mostly found in legs and are the swollen, twisted veins that frequently appear blue or dark purple. They develop as a result of weakening or injury to the vein’s valves, which control blood flow. Blood subsequently accumulates in the veins, causing them to enlarge and become noticeable on the skin’s surface.


  • Age: Vein valve deterioration may result from age naturally.
  • Genetics: The chance of getting varicose veins is increased if there is a family history of the condition.
  • Gender: Varicose veins are more common in women, particularly during pregnancy and other hormonal changes.
  • Extended sitting or standing: Varicose veins can develop as a result of jobs or lifestyles that require prolonged sitting or standing.


  • Legs are hurting and swelling.
  • Burning or itching feelings.
  • Cramps in the legs, particularly after extended standing or sitting.
  • Appearance of twisted, protruding veins.

Prevalence: About 10% to 15% of males and 20% to 25% of females suffer from varicose veins, a prevalent medical problem. As people age, the prevalence tends to rise, and other risk factors include obesity and pregnancy.

Overview of Clarivein Treatment:

With Clarivein, you may treat varicose veins with minimal invasiveness by closing the afflicted veins using a combination of chemical and mechanical techniques. In the process:

  • The vein is used to place a catheter.
  • The vein wall is damaged by the catheter’s mechanical rotation.
  • A sclerosing agent is dispensed concurrently, which causes the vein to collapse and shut.

Because it is usually administered as an outpatient procedure without the need for a surgical incision, this therapy is regarded as minimally invasive.

Benefits of Clarivein:

  • Reduced Recovery Time: Patients can return to their regular activities sooner thanks to clarivon, which frequently enables a speedier recovery than standard surgical techniques.
  • Reduced Complication Risk: Because Clarivein is minimally invasive, there is a decreased chance of problems including infection and heavy bleeding, which are linked to open surgical treatments.
  • Better Cosmetic Results: Compared to operations with bigger incisions, clariverine leaves little to no scarring, which improves the cosmetic outcomes.

Many people looking for relief from varicose veins find Clarivein to be an intriguing alternative since it provides a less intrusive solution with various advantages when compared to standard treatments.

Candidates for Clarivein:

Appropriate candidates are defined as follows:

  • Those with symptomatic varicose veins: Those who feel pain, edema, or discomfort as a result of their veins.
  • Patients who are looking for a less intrusive surgical option choose minimally invasive treatment.
  • Those who have reasonable expectations for the results and the necessity of future follow-up meetings are said to have realistic expectations.

One needs to consider the following factors before going ahead with the treatment:

  • Pregnancy: Although Clarivein is usually safe, it might not be advised for expectant mothers. In these situations, speaking with a healthcare professional is essential.
  • Significant problems: Patients requiring alternate therapies may have significant venous problems.
  • Medical History: Before receiving Clarivein, patients with certain medical disorders or allergies may need to give it significant thought.

The Clarivein Procedure: Step-by-Step:

The varicose vein treatment requires a lot of steps to be dealt with for a perfect and safe surgery.

Preparing for the Procedure:


  • A patient has a comprehensive consultation with a healthcare professional.
  • Medical history, symptoms, and expectations are discussed.


  • The afflicted veins may be seen using ultrasound imaging.
  • Considering the ultrasound results while formulating a treatment plan.

Steps in Treatment:

Regional Anesthesia:

  • A local anesthetic is used to numb the treatment region.
  • guarantees the patient’s comfort throughout the process.

Insertion of Catheters:

  • A little puncture or incision is created close to the vein of interest.
  • Under ultrasound guidance, a catheter is placed into the afflicted vein.

Rotation mechanically:

  • The vein wall is mechanically disrupted by the catheter’s spinning tip.
  • The sclerosing agent is distributed uniformly thanks to this rotation.

Agent Sclerosing Dispersion:

  • Through the catheter, a sclerosing agent is administered concurrently with mechanical rotation.
  • The treated vein becomes irritated and closes as a result of the sclerosing agent.

Closure of Veins:

  • The treated vein closes as a result of both chemical closure and mechanical disruption.
  • Healthy veins get the blood’s rerouting.

Following Procedure Observation:

  • To make sure the patient is stable, a quick check is performed.
  • It could be suggested to use compression stockings to speed up the healing process.

Resuming Regular Activities:

  • After the treatment, patients may usually get back to their regular activities quickly.
  • You might have to limit intense exercise for a little while.


The best method for recovery remains in two aspects, one being the most basic one, which is good hydration, and the other being elevation of the legs. The elevation of the legs with proper intervals in the form of an exercise can lessen the pain and swelling, but make sure you don’t over-do it or make it intense.

Post-Procedure Care:

Recheck Appointments:

  • Arrange follow-up meetings to assess progress.
  • It could be suggested to schedule several sessions to get the best outcomes.

Compression stockings: Compression stockings can be worn as per the direction of the doctor and can help accelerate the healing process.

Walking and physical activity: Moderate walking (definitely not very fast or slow) can improve blood flow and lower the risk of blood clots. Avoid intense workouts, as they might have long-term effects.

Follow-up appointments: Make sure to track development and address any problems; schedule routine follow-up visits with your healthcare professional.

Note: Depending on the unique features of each patient, the severity of varicose veins, and the preferences of the healthcare professional, the precise procedures and protocols may change. To guarantee a good recovery, patients should adhere to the pre- and post-procedure instructions provided by their healthcare professional.

Comparative Analysis: Clarivein vs. Other Treatments:

Traditional Surgery Against Clarivein:

Benefits of Clarivein:

  • Minimally intrusive, requiring no big cuts.
  • Decreased possibility of difficulties.
  • Quicker time to recuperate.

Benefits of Conventional Surgery:

  • Maybe more suited for serious situations.
  • Vein closure occurs instantly.

Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) against Clarivein:

Benefits of clarivein

  • There is no chance of heat-related issues.
  • Ideal for people with problems with skin pigmentation.

Benefits of EVLA:

  • Maybe a little bit faster.
  • Reduced pain and bruises.

Clarivein becomes a suitable treatment in the following circumstances:

  • Patients Seeking Less Intrusive Options: For individuals who would like to take a less intrusive method, Clarivein is a great option.
  • Skin Sensitivity: For individuals who have a history of keloid scarring or worry about their skin’s pigmentation, clarivein may be recommended over EVLA.
  • Patients with Allergies to Laser Components: Clarivein offers an option for patients who have allergies to components used in laser treatments.

The decision between Clarivein and alternative therapies ultimately comes down to the unique characteristics of each patient, the degree of varicose veins, and the patient’s and the doctor’s preferences.

Addressing Concerns and FAQs:

A patient typically finds the following to be concerning:

Pain during the operation: Because Clarivein is a minimally invasive surgery, it is intended to be quite painless. The treatment region is usually numbed with a local anesthetic to reduce pain.

Treatment effectiveness: Varicose vein closure has been demonstrated with Clarivein. Individual outcomes, however, can differ, and several sessions might be necessary to achieve the best results.

Safety: Clarivein is thought to be safe in most cases; however, difficulties and dangers might arise with any medical procedure. These will be covered by your healthcare practitioner during the consultation.


  • What is the duration of the procedure? 

Depending on how much therapy is required, clarivein procedures are often completed in less than an hour.

  • Is Clarivein appropriate for all kinds of vein varicosities? 

Although Clarivein works well in many situations, your doctor will determine if it’s the right choice for you depending on the particulars of your varicose veins.

  • When can I get back to my regular routine? 

After using Clarivein, patients may usually return to their regular activities, but they might need to refrain from intense exertion for a short while.

New Developments and Trends:

The new developments and trends in this field can come in the form of less invasive therapies, just like Clarivein. These treatments are being looked forward to and made more available as endovenous techniques. Moreover, another development can be the customization of care, which will be entirely based upon the needs of the patient and their traits. Customization has more scope to become more common, which would then lead to better results just via the medication and hence a lesser need for sessions.

Clarivein in the Changing Environment:

It is true that technology has no bar, and there might come a stage where there is an even more patient-friendly treatment compared to the Clarivein treatment.

With the factor of attention to detail, there are chances that it would reduce invasiveness and improve the overall patient experience.

So one thing to keep in mind is that individuals who are looking for the best solutions for their specific needs definitely need to stay informed about new advancements, but make sure to consult the doctors before making decisions.

Final Words

If you are seeking varicose vein treatment, you need to be well aware of the procedure and their personal capabilities before stepping in. As for the clarivein treatment, it is patient-friendly with comparatively less intrusion than other treatments.


The field of treating varicose veins is changing, and Clarivein is a big step forward in offering efficient, less invasive procedures. If you want to get treated for varicose veins in general, consult with healthcare experts at specialized varicose vein centres for customized advice and treatment plans. These professionals can help people make decisions and guarantee the best course of action for their particular requirements and circumstances. Click here to get access to the top varicose vein clinic in Beverly Hills and to varicose vein testing in Los Angeles.

You can no longer stand or sit for long periods of time, and you even started noticing twisted, bulging veins on your legs. You then consulted your healthcare professional and were diagnosed with varicose veins.

Varicose veins are a common medical condition impacting millions of individuals worldwide. Studies show that 33% of adults in the US have varicose veins. These veins often appear as twisted, bulging, and discolored vessels beneath the surface of the skin.

If you are wondering about the treatment options, fret not. Because advances in the medical field have provided multiple ways to treat varicose veins with minimally invasive procedures,

This article will walk you through the different varicose vein treatment options.

Common symptoms of varicose veins include:

  1. Your veins in your leg are swollen, twisted, and may appear blue or dark purple.
  2. Mild to severe pain or aching in the legs, especially when you stand or sit for extended periods.
  3. A feeling of heaviness or fatigue in the legs.
  4. Swelling in the lower legs and ankles.
  5. Some people may experience itching or a burning sensation around the affected veins.
  6. With time, your skin around the varicose veins may become discolored or develop sores, particularly near the ankles.

How are varicose veins diagnosed?

How do you know if you are dealing with varicose veins? Firstly, your healthcare provider will do a quick physical examination of your legs. You would be either made to stand to check for swelling or check for areas with pain.

Vein specialists from top varicose vein testing centers in Los Angeles say that they diagnose varicose veins in patients using two tests.


To diagnose varicose veins, a health care provider will recommend a venous Doppler ultrasound of the leg.

A Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive test that can estimate the blood flow through your blood vessels by sending high-frequency sound waves to the circulating red blood cells. It can detect varicose veins and identify their severity.

This test helps in diagnosing varicose vein conditions, including:

  • Blood clots in the veins
  • Valves that function poorly in your leg veins cause blood or other fluids to pool in your legs.

Only when the healthcare provider makes a proper diagnosis of the vein abnormalities can they treat them well. In that case, a Doppler ultrasound greatly helps.

Alternatives to the Doppler ultrasound test:

In some cases, your doctors may recommend venography to find blood clots to access varicose veins before surgery.

Venography is an X-ray examination procedure where a contrast material is injected into the veins so that it can be seen on an X-ray. The dye will help your healthcare provider see your veins clearly and analyze how healthy they are.

Get access to specialized varicose vein testing in Thousand Oaks and ensure you get accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans for varicose veins.


Varicose Vein Treatment:

When you visit a varicose vein treatment center, your doctor, after a diagnosis of the severity of varicose veins, will guide you through the multiple treatment options. This may include self-care or home care measures, compression stockings, and surgeries.

Almost all varicose veins are done as an outpatient procedure. This means there are minimally invasive or non-invasive treatments, and you can go home the same day after treatment.

Compression stockings:

One of the first medical ways of treating varicose veins was by using compression stockings. When you wear compression stockings all day, it will squeeze your legs and leg muscles, thus enhancing blood movement. Note that the amount of compression varies by the type and brand.

You can buy these compression stockings from pharmacies and medical supply stores. Some healthcare providers even prescribe strength stockings, which can be covered by insurance if varicose veins are causing symptoms.

Surgeries and other treatment options


In this procedure, a special solution, or foam, is directly injected into the affected veins. This solution will help collapse your veins, seal them shut, and make them fade away in a few weeks. However, the same vein might require more such solutions to completely fade away.

Sclerotherapy is effective for smaller varicose veins and spider veins, and the results are permanent as the veins are treated with the special solution and will not return. This procedure is minimally invasive, so the patient doesn’t require anesthesia, and it can be done in a health care provider’s office.

Laser treatment:

In simple laser therapy, the laser is used outside of your skin, and it easily treats the small veins.

But endovenous laser ablation is a minimally invasive treatment for larger veins, where the body area with varicose veins is numbed first. Then, your healthcare provider will use a Doppler ultrasound device to check and analyze the vein before and after the procedure.

Here, the procedure involves the use of laser energy, where a small cut or incision is made in your skin and a catheter is inserted. Next, strong bursts of light are sent to the affected vein. This causes the varicose veins to shrink, slowly fade, and disappear. This procedure takes less than an hour, and a small bandage is put on the small cut.

Radiofrequency treatment.

Instead of laser energy, radiofrequency is used to treat the varicose veins. In the procedure, radiofrequency energy heats up and damages the wall inside a vein. This is another method used to close off the problematic veins.

High ligation and vein stripping

Vein stripping is when the surgeon ties off your affected vein to stop blood from pooling in the leg area. And in some circumstances, the vein is removed through small cuts to prevent varicose veins from reappearing. This is also a minimally invasive and outpatient procedure for most people.

You need to worry about whether the removal of the vein will affect the blood flow in the leg. Because veins that are deeper in the leg would take care of the larger volume of blood flow.

Ambulatory phlebectomy

This procedure is highly effective for removing smaller varicose veins, where the affected veins are removed through a series of tiny skin punctures.

Healthcare providers suggest this treatment for larger surface veins that are close to the skin. During this procedure, only the areas where the varicose veins are pricked will be numbed. It’s an outpatient procedure, and scarring is minimal. The ambulatory phlebectomy procedure is either done alone or with vein stripping.

If you seek premium care and cutting-edge treatments, visit the top varicose vein clinic in Beverly Hills and get treated correctly.

Lifestyle and Home Remedies


Firstly, remember that exercise can’t cure varicose veins. But it can ease your discomfort. How does this soothing happen? When you exercise, your blood circulation will improve and tone your muscles, especially in your legs. This can help reduce the risk of developing the varicose veins further.

Some exercises that can be done when dealing with varicose veins are walking, climbing stairs, cycling calf raises, toe flexes, stretching, and yoga.

Besides helping reduce the symptoms of your varicose veins, exercise has a long-term positive effect on your vein health.

Here’s a quick warning. Avoid doing exercises that put excessive pressure on your legs and your abs because they can worsen your varicose veins. Because it can create too much stress in your veins.

Elevate your legs

When you elevate your legs above heart level for 15-20 minutes several times a day, you easily hit the reset button for your blood circulation.

Also, by elevating the legs above heart level, you can reduce this swelling by allowing fluids that may have stagnated in the legs to drain back towards the heart.

So, find a comfortable spot in your home, stretch your legs up, and relax. Make this your routine to improve blood flow, reduce swelling and discomfort, and prevent further complications.

Maintain a healthy weight

If you are dealing with obesity, try to reduce your weight. Because those extra pounds can put pressure on the pelvic and leg veins and cause varicose veins. Also, when you stay fit and avoid unhealthy foods, it helps prevent varicose veins from worsening.

Avoid tight clothing and high heels

Do you know tight clothing can make your blood pool in your legs? Those clothing items, including body shapers, elastic knee socks, and girdles, can harm the blood flow.

Another important thing that restricts blood flow to your legs is wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time. Choose a shorter heel to help improve and maintain healthier blood flow.

FAQs for Varicose Vein Treatment

Can insurance cover the cost of your varicose vein treatment?

Check if your insurance can cover the varicose vein treatment. To get varicose vein treatment covered by insurance, you must justify that the treatment is medically necessary. If you get varicose vein treatment only to improve your leg’s appearance, i.e., for cosmetic reasons, the cost will not be covered by insurance.

Do all treatments cure varicose veins?

The answer is no. Although 90% of the varicose vein treatments are effective, there are slight changes in the varicose veins. Women who become pregnant after treatment are at risk of getting varicose veins again.

Can varicose veins go away?

Varicose veins won’t get cured on their own. They can worsen over time if they are not treated properly. This is why you must visit your healthcare provider when you have varicose vein symptoms and get treatment. In addition to the treatment, it is highly essential to take preventive measures and make lifestyle changes, including exercise, healthy weight maintenance, avoiding tight clothing, etc.

What is the quickest way to get rid of varicose veins?

One of the quickest and most non-invasive treatments to get rid of varicose veins is laser treatment. Laser light can collapse the varicose veins and make them fade away in a few weeks. However, simple laser treatment of varicose veins can treat small varicose veins. Small spider veins may disappear immediately after the laser treatment.

If you are looking forward to a healthier and vein-free you, visit the Center for Vein Wellness today. Our team of vein specialists will provide you with personalized care, diagnose the varicose vein problem accurately, and provide treatments. Schedule a free consultation today.

Ultrasound Diagnosis and Advanced Treatments for Varicose and Spider Veins.


You realize that your legs are not okay as usual. There’s a roadmap of twisted nerves here and there. Now, you doubt if they are varicose veins.

But what if they are spider veins?

These two vascular disorders affect your body’s blood vessels. Varicose veins can result due to weakening in the blood vessels or from faulty valves. Spider veins affect your body’s smallest blood vessels.

Stats show that varicose veins can affect up to 35% of the American people.

If you are worried about which type of vascular disorder has affected your legs, fret not. You don’t have to jump through hoops to get it diagnosed. Visit the best vein treatment center and let the vein specialist handle it.

In most cases, ultrasound diagnosis is done to locate the accurate issues. This article will talk more about ultrasound diagnosis and advanced treatments for varicose and spider veins.

What are Varicose Veins and Spider Veins?

Varicose veins are large, raised, swollen blood vessels that appear twisted and turned and mostly develop in the legs. You can see them through the skin. Whereas spider veins are smaller in size. They come in various colors, including red, purple, and blue, visible to the naked eye and appear twisted and turned.

These vascular disorders mainly affect your legs. But in some cases, spider veins appear on your face. Rather than pondering the presence of varicose veins and spider veins, cut to the chase by visiting the Center for Vein Wellness and getting it diagnosed properly.

Causes Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

Multiple causes can put you at risk for varicose and spider veins, including


Use of birth control pills,

History of blood clots,

Postmenopausal hormone replacement,

Hormonal influences with regards to pregnancy, puberty, and menopause.

Other causes include trauma or injury to the skin, previous vein surgery, and high exposure to UV rays.


The Importance of Ultrasound Diagnostics

The best part about varicose and spider veins diagnosis is that you don’t have to bite the bullet. The procedure is simple and painless. The vein specialist will physically examine your legs or the area with these veins and suggest an ultrasound test.

What is a venous ultrasound?

A venous ultrasound imaging is a noninvasive medical test that helps your doctor diagnose and treat medical conditions. It’s not only a safe and straightforward process but also painless.

What does it do?

It takes pictures of the inside of your body using sound waves. This procedure, also called sonography, involves a small probe called a transducer placed directly on the skin using a gel.

High-frequency sound waves are sent via this probe and the gel into the body. This probe collects the sounds that bounce back. These sound waves are processed via a computer and an image is created.

You may ask, what’s the difference between an X-ray and an ultrasound?

Ultrasound doesn’t use radiation. Instead, it captures images in real-time; it can show the structure and movement of the body’s internal organs.  It can even picture the blood flowing through blood vessels.

Venous ultrasound imaging gives clear pictures of the veins throughout the body.

Here, your doctor may recommend a Doppler ultrasound to diagnose varicose veins precisely.

It’s a unique ultrasound technique that detects moving blood cells or other moving structures and measures their direction and speed.

Doppler ultrasound lets the doctor see and evaluate

  • Narrowing of vessels,
  • Blockages to blood flow,
  • Tumors and congenital vascular malformations,
  • Low or absent of blood flow to various organs

Get the best ultrasound diagnostics at a vein treatment centre in Thousand Oaks.

Benefits of Ultrasound Imaging in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Varicose Veins

It can locate the affected area.

Unlike traditional methods that include physical examination and phlebography, which are less reliable, this method poses high accuracy. In fact, one of the main reasons for using ultrasound imaging is its ability to accurately locate and assess the condition of the affected veins.

Real-time images

Your medical treatments can’t be a shot in the dark. Ultrasound imaging can provide real-time images of your veins. Your health professional can quickly locate the affected veins and measure their size and shape.

Improved accuracy and safety

Ultrasound imaging has greatly improved the accuracy and safety of varicose vein treatment. It effectively directs the needle or laser fiber to the exact location it needs to reach, minimizes the chances of complications, and ensures that the treatment is accurately delivered to the intended area.

Real-time monitoring

It helps real-time monitoring when the patient is undergoing varicose and spider veins treatment. If the varicose veins aren’t responding to the treatment as expected, your health professional can adjust the dosage or technique to ensure the vein is entirely sealed off.

Get accurate ultrasound diagnostics for varicose and spider veins by professional hands at the varicose vein treatment center.

How should a patient prepare for an ultrasound?

If going for an ultrasound, wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is highly recommended. If you are wearing any clothing and jewelry in the area to be examined, remove them.

You may even need to change into a gown for this procedure.

Ultrasound Diagnosis and Advanced Treatments for Varicose and Spider Veins

Wearing compression stockings

This is the initial step for treating varicose and spider veins. Since the compression stockings exert gentle pressure on the legs, it pave the way for a more efficient blood movement by both the veins and leg muscles.

The degree of compression can vary depending on the type and brand of stockings. Also, prescription-strength stockings are available for pharmacies and may be covered by insurance policies.

Lifestyle changes

Are you looking for varicose or spider vein natural treatment or at-home treatment?

Self-care greatly contributes to the healing of these venous disorders. Some changes you can include in your life include

Good skin hygiene: Give your legs the royal spa treatment they deserve. In simple words, keep it clean and healthy.

Shed some pounds: If your weight doesn’t stand at the right number, it’s a problem. Because those extra pounds you are carrying can stress your veins. And your legs carry your whole body weight, right? So, try to get fit.

Standing or sitting in the same place for longer periods without taking a break is a big risk. So, try avoiding it.

Avoid wearing high heels because they are vein villains. Instead, switch to lower heels, which help tone calf muscles and improve blood flow through the veins.

While seated, resting, or sleeping, don’t forget to elevate your legs.

You don’t need a gym for leg day. Simple leg exercises can help your muscles work and improve blood flow.

Avoid crossing your legs at your knees or ankles.

Surgeries or other procedures

If the self-care and lifestyle changes don’t work, it means the varicose veins are severe and need surgical or other procedures to treat them.


It’s a procedure that helps eliminate the pain and discomfort of varicose and spider veins. In some cases, patients use this procedure to improve their appearance.

In the sclerotherapy procedure, a saline solution or foam is injected directly into the vein. This injected chemical irritates and scars the vein’s inside and makes it collapse, thus causing it to disappear in 3 to 6 weeks. For larger veins, it can even take 5 to 6 months to disappear.

This procedure is almost painless. All you can feel are small needle pricks when your doctor injects the solution. Sometimes, you may experience temporary muscle cramping. After the procedure, you must wear medical-grade compression stockings for a few weeks. This procedure even prevents complications such as ulcers or vein bleeding.

Since this procedure is simple and inexpensive, it can be performed in an outpatient setting.

Endovenous laser ablation

It’s a procedure where the doctor inserts a small laser fiber into the vein by making a small cut near the vein and putting in a small catheter.

Then, a device at the catheter’s tip heats up the inside of the vessel, and then laser light pulses are sent into the veins, making them collapse. This procedure is also minimally invasive and safe, and it’s done as an outpatient under local anesthesia.

Radiofrequency occlusion

Just like a laser is used to close the damaged veins, here radiofrequency energy is used on the vein wall, making it heat, collapse, and shut it. Similar to sclerotherapy or endovenous laser ablation, it can be done in an outpatient or office setting, sometimes under local anesthesia.

Surgical procedures:

Some surgical procedures include stripping, which involves the removal of a long segment of the vein, and ligation, which involves tying off a vein.

Traditionally, vein stripping and ligation include tying veins shut and removing them via minor cuts in your skin. It takes 2 to 3 hours to complete the procedure. The recovery period is only 1 or 2 weeks.

Ambulatory phlebectomy

Here, your doctor will remove smaller varicose veins via a series of tiny skin punctures. Only the parts of the leg that are treated are numbed for the outpatient procedure.

Visit the top spider veins Clinic in Beverly Hills and get specialized spider vein treatment.

What happens if varicose veins and spider veins are not treated?

In most cases, if the varicose and spider veins are left untreated, they don’t cause any health problems. But larger varicose veins can cause aches and discomfort, especially if you have been sitting or standing for longer periods.

In some cases, varicose veins can lead to more serious health problems, including sores or skin ulcers, superficial thrombophlebitis, bleeding, and deep vein thrombosis if left untreated. So, visit a vein care center and get it diagnosed and treated to avoid unnecessary problems.

Final Words

Varicose and spider veins are common vascular conditions that affect millions of individuals worldwide. It has caused not only cosmetic concerns but also a range of uncomfortable symptoms and potential health risks.

But today, with the evolution of diagnostic techniques and treatment options for varicose and spider veins, people suffering from these disorders find hope and relief. Because accurate detection has always been a problem.

People dealing with varicose veins have valves that keep blood flowing back to the heart damaged, and identifying them wasn’t a piece of cake. Today, venous ultrasound can identify damaged valves and abnormal blood flow accurately. Most of the treatment options are affordable.

Some insurance companies can cover the treatment costs for varicose veins but not for spider veins, as they are less complicated and harmless. However, it’s best to check with your insurance company before considering treatment options for varicose and spider veins.

If you are dealing with varicose and spider veins or doubt if you have, get it diagnosed correctly at the