

Spider veins are caused by a number of things including pregnancy. During this time, your hormones are extremely high. You also have a higher volume of blood than usual, which increases pressure on your blood vessels and causes them to swell. If you’re genetically predisposed to get spider veins, you can also notice signs of varicose veins as well.

Spider Veins During Pregnancy

Dealing with Spider Veins During Pregnancy

Spider veins are not harmful to you or your baby. But they can be uncomfortable and unsightly, hence the need for treatment.

Following an examination to diagnose the spider veins, your doctor may recommend that you wear a compression hose to promote circulation in your legs.

Some expectant mothers successfully get rid of spider veins by getting plenty of antioxidants, especially vitamin C and resisting the need to cross their legs. Vitamin C helps in the manufacture of elastin and collagen, which are two vital connective tissues that aid in the maintenance and repair of veins.

Foods rich in fiber also help to prevent straining during bowel movement, which can constrict the deeper veins and cause blood to be rerouted to the superficial veins.

You can also prevent them by regular exercising, alternating between sitting and standing positions, and elevating the legs while sitting or lying down. All these measures help to promote blood circulation and prevent circulation.

Keep in mind that spider veins may disappear after the pregnancy. So you may choose to camouflage the most visible areas with flesh-toned concealer designed for that specific purpose. If the spider veins persist, you should visit a vein specialist.

Cosmetic procedures such as sclerotherapy and laser treatments can help to treat spider veins, but should be avoided until after delivery.