

Varicose veins affect more than one-quarter of the American population. So it’s likely that you have them, or you know a few people who have them. It is also likely that you or your friends have shared some information about varicose veins and other venous disorders, some of which may not be true. Let’s discuss some myths about varicose veins.

Myths About Varicose Veins | Vein Specialist Los Angeles & Ventura, CA

Common Myths About Varicose Veins

It is important that you have accurate information about varicose veins for a proper self-diagnosis, and to know when to seek professional help. Here are a few common misconceptions about varicose veins to enhance your understanding of the condition:

1. Varicose veins occur because of crossing your legs

Crossing your legs is not one of the risk factors of varicose veins. In itself, it cannot weaken or damage your valves, which is what causes blood to pool in certain veins and cause them to bulge. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, on the other hand, are known risk factors.

2. Varicose veins are only a cosmetic concern

Bulging blue veins are undoubtedly unsightly, and likely to make you conscious about wearing attire that might reveal them. However, people with varicose veins eventually develop symptoms such as cramping, throbbing, dull achiness, and heaviness in the legs. Moreover, failure to treat varicose veins can lead to bigger problems including blood clots and leg ulcers. Early treatment helps to prevent any discomfort and higher treatment costs.

3. Varicose veins only occur in old age

Although aging is one of the risk factors of varicose veins, it can affect people of all ages depending on other factors such as genetics, obesity, or change in hormone levels due to pregnancy.

Treating Varicose Veins

There are also some misconceptions about the treatment of varicose veins. For instance, some people claim that the only way to treat them is through surgical stripping, some argue that the treatments are painful and expensive, and others say that there’s no point in treating them since they’ll return.

Fortunately for you, none of these claims are true. Today, there are many modern, non-invasive and painless treatments that help to detect all diseased veins – including those that are not visible on the surface of the skin – so the root of the problem is treated to prevent future recurrences. You only need to discuss with your vein specialist about the best treatment for your case.

Varicose Vein Consultation in Los Angeles & Ventura County

Please visit the Center for Vein Wellness or schedule a consultation with Dr. Shah to discuss your case and vein treatment options. We have multiple locations in Los Angeles and Ventura County.

When dealing with unsightly varicose or spider veins or the more serious venous ulcers and blood clots, you need the help of a skilled physician, preferably one with specialized training to ensure you get proper diagnosis and treatment.

What to Look in a Physician When Treating Varicose Veins

What to Look in a Physician

If you are considering varicose vein treatment, here are a few key qualities you can use to identify a great vein doctor:

1. Education and Certification

This is one of the first things that you should find out when choosing a vein doctor to ensure that you get the care you need. A doctor who is board-certified in Phlebology will give you peace of mind knowing that your diagnosis and treatment will be both safe and effective. These certifications prove that the physician has received the necessary training and is qualified to deliver high quality care for a wide range of vascular diseases, including varicose veins.

2. Experience

It helps if you know how successful the physician has been in previous, similar procedures. There are several treatment options for varicose veins, and you may not necessarily be a good candidate for all of them. If your physician is only comfortable performing one type of treatment that is not necessarily the most effective for your specific case, then you will be keeping yourself from receiving the best care possible – yet you’ll probably end up paying the same.

3. Good Communication

To receive the best treatment for any condition, you need to be open with your physician. It is important that you feel comfortable enough with your vein doctor to reveal essential information about your health, family history, and lifestyle truthfully. Working with a friendly physician and team increases the likelihood of making honest and pleasant conversations when receiving your treatment.

4. Convenience

Keep in mind that varicose treatments are usually administered in a series of appointments over several months. So you need to find a skilled vein specialist near you to make your treatments convenient.

Why Choose the Center for Vein Wellness?

Finding the right physician to treat your case of varicose veins requires a bit of research to find a vein specialist with the right combination of education, experience, and compassion to deliver the highest quality of care you deserve.

Dr. Shah of the Center for Vein Wellness has the training, credentials, and experience, backed by numerous testimonials from patients who he has successfully treated.

While many vein centers only provide cosmetic treatment as a general solution for varicose veins, we understand that no two cases of vein disease are the same. Dr. Shah goes the extra mile to also identify the underlying causes of your vein issues and utilize the latest treatment options to reduce health risks associated with your vein problem, making it less likely to appear again in future.

The Center for Vein Wellness is dedicated to creating a personalized treatment plan for every patient who visits our practice. When you consult with Dr. Shah in any of our locations, you can be assured of receiving the most effective treatment and recommendations based on your specific case, helping you reach the best possible outcome.